9 Things Professional Organizers Do Every Day

Simon Watson
We're not sure if organizing pros are born or made, but good news: Tova Weinstock (aka "Tidy Tova") bets on the latter. The professional organizer says that anyone can make a few tiny changes to their everyday routine to get (and keep) their house in order.

"It's important to take baby steps when getting organized, otherwise the process can feel daunting and overwhelming," Weinstock explains.

Steal these daily habits of organizing pros to get started: 

1. They make their beds.

"Arguably the most important activity of the day, there's really no excusing this one. Bed making promotes productivity throughout the day and will pave the way for an organized lifestyle. Plus, it's a pleasure to get into a made bed at the end of a long day."

2. They write out a to-do list.

"Take a few minutes in the morning to jot down your goals for the day. Having a concrete list will keep you on track throughout the day and give you a sense of accomplishment when tasks are completed."

3. They tend to clothing as soon as they take it off.

"Hang, launder, or fold every garment and DO NOT let anything hit the floor. Neglected clothing can slowly build up and lead to an overwhelming mound."

4. They wash the dishes.

"A sink full of dishes will make your entire kitchen feel and look messy. Get in the habit of washing dishes at the end of the day or at least soaking them so you can quickly wash them the next day."

5. They wipe down surfaces.

"Your kitchen and sink counters inevitably get dirty every day. So take a minute or two to wipe them down before you head to bed."

Tara Striano

6. They sort through the mail.

"Tend to your mailbox daily to avoid a build up of bill payments and to-dos. Immediately toss junk mail into recycling and store the rest in an active inbox so you'll know where to find it."

7. They always put their keys in the same spot.

"Whether it's a hook by the front door or a catch-all near the entrance, make sure your keys have a clear destination. You don't want to spend time searching for them when it's time to leave."

8. They empty their pockets and bag at the end of the day.

"Take a couple of minutes to throw away any receipts or trash that you've acquired throughout the day. Place loose change into your wallet or coin jar and make sure any loose papers are filed or thrown away."

9. They plan for tomorrow.

"Before heading to bed, mentally walk through the next day and do your best to prepare for it. Set aside necessary items and pack up your bag so you can grab it on the fly if need be."

"If you have a day or even a week when things get disorganized, that's okay," Weinstock says. "Just get back on the bandwagon as soon as you can. Even the smallest habit change (bed making, dish washing, etc.) can help."

From: ELLE Decor US

By Jessica Cumberbatch Anderson


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