13 Plants That Give You Bang for Your Buck

We polled garden experts for their hardy and inexpensive annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees.

Gap Photos/Carole Drake
Smarter Shopping
What makes a plant a good buy? It's not purchase price alone. Value is best measured by how a plant performs once it's in the ground. "A bargain doesn't need lots of attention, isn't prone to disease or insect problems, and spreads on its own," says Lexington, Kentucky-based landscape designer Jon Carloftis. And while there's no question that annuals deliver the most bang for the buck in a single season, perennials, shrubs, and trees provide long-lasting structure and color to the landscape. We polled garden experts for their hardy and inexpensive favorites in all four categories.

Perrenials: Lavender
Genus:Lavandula spp.

Zones: 5 to 9

Cost:$ to $$

Expert Says:"Lavender's practically indestructible, genuinely deer-resistant, and comes in beautiful hues." —Robert Kourik, garden designer, Sebastopol, California

Perrennials: Maiden Grass
Genus: Miscanthus sinensis 'Adagio'

Zones: 5 to 9

Cost: $ to $$

Expertsays:"This grass forms a light, airy four-foot-tall mound and grows really well in otherwise tough and dry sites." —David McMullin, garden designer, Atlanta, Georgia

Perennials: Daylily
Genus: Hemerocallis varieties

Zones: 3 to 9

Cost: From $

Expertsays:"Daylilies are gorgeous and easy to divide. You can build a fine collection of colors and shapes by acquiring a few plants each year." —Barbara Damrosch, farmer and author, Harborside, Maine

Perrennials: Black-Eyed Susan
Genus: Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii

Zones: 3 to 9

Cost: From $

Expertsays:"The showiest of my self-seeding perennials, these golden daisies bloom from mid-July through mid-September and beyond." —Patricia Hill, garden designer, Elgin, Illinois

Annuals: Snapdragon
Genus: Antirrhinum majus 'Snap Daddy'

Zones: All Zones

Cost: $

Expert says:"This long-blooming snapdragon has bright flowers and variegated foliage — and flourishes in cool and hot temperatures." —Dennis Schrader, nursery owner, Mattituck, New York

Annuals: Caladium
Genus: C. varieties

Zones: All Zones

Cost: From $

Expert says: "Caladium brings color to a shady garden in the heat of summer. And some newer varieties can even take a little more sun." —John Dromgoole, nursery owner, Austin, Texas

Annuals: Cleome
Genus: C. hassleriana 'White Queen'

Zones: All Zones

Cost: $ to $

Expert says: "To make a big splash in a sunny area, plant cleome. From late Kune to frost, you'll have four-to-five inch spiderlike blooms." —Jon Carloftis, landscape designer, Lexington, Kentucky

Shrubs: Yaupon Holly
Genus: Ilex vomitoria

Zones: 7 to 10

Cost: $$ to $$

Expert says:"This drought-tolerant Texas native can grow to 15 feet or taller. In winter, its attractive red berries feed birds." —John Dromgoole

Shrubs: Spiraea
Genus: S. nipponica 'Snowmound'

Zones: 3 to 8

Cost: $ to $0

Expert says:"The tiny cascading summer blossoms are spectacular. But the wild waterfall-like shape of the stems gives great 'fill' to landscapes year-round." —Rebecca Cole, garden designer, New York, New York

Shrubs: Clethra
Genus: C. alnifoliavarieties

Zones: 3 to 9

Cost: $$ to $$

Expert says:"One plant will perfume a whole yard in August, so I have what my father jokingly called 'a plethora of clethora' next to the porch." —Barbara Damrosch

Trees: Sourwood
Genus: Oxydendrum arboreum

Zones: 5 to 9

Cost: $5 to $5

Expert says:"The sourwood offers four seasons of interest: late-spring blooms, glossy summer foliage, amazing fall color, and winter seedpods."—Jon Carloftis

Trees: Apple
Genus: Malus domestica

Zones: 4 to 8

Cost: $$ to $$

Expert says:"Apple trees produce lovely, fragrant pink blooms followed by fruit. Plus, they can be trained on a wall, as espaliers, or bent over arches." —Judy Murphy, landscape architect, Lakeville, Connecticut

Trees: Swamp White Oak
Genus: Quercus bicolor

Zones: 3 to 8

Cost: $$

Expert says:"On a dollar-per-square-foot basis, oaks are an incredible bargain. They may grow 60 feet or more and live for 300 years." —Steve Castorani, nursery owner, Landenberg, Pennsylvania

More from Country Living:
• 5 Fast-Climbing Vines for Your Garden
• 3 Quick Lawn Makeovers
•7 Perennials That Bloom Multiple Times Every Summer

5 Plants That Help Keep Mosquitoes Away
We'll take a lovely lavender bush over an ugly bug zapper any day.

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From: Country Living US

By Warren Schultz


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