4 Easy Changes That Save Energy at Home

It's wise to be conscious of your energy usage year-round, but it's especially pertinent come fall and winter, when you'll be cooped up in the house (with the heat pumping) more often. Here's how you can start the season off on an efficient note:

1. Change your routine with your appliances.

Washing clothes in cold water can save you up to $$ a year in water-heating costs (and yes, your clothes will still get clean). Stop pre-rinsing dishes before you load the dishwasher — really, you don't have to do it — and always run a full machine. And don't overwork your electric stove's small burners by using them to heat large pots? Pair your burners and pots by size, and you'll keep $$ more annually.

2. Reconsider how you heat your home.

Heating and cooling accounts for half of your home's energy usage. Start spending less by lowering your water heater's temperature. Many are set to 140 degrees but most homes don't need water hotter than 120 degrees, and you can save $$ to $$ per year with each 10-degree reduction. Also, consider whether its time to get rid of an old water heater, furnace and air conditioner. Replacing at least 10-year-old equipment with Energy Star products can save you $$$ per year.

Also, make sure your home is properly insulated, so heat doesn't escape easily. Light an incense stick and watch where the smoke blows to seek out drafts. Or try a thermal leak detector — the one- time cost could save you big bucks over time.

But easiest of all, switch to a programmable thermostat. Smarter ones, like the latest Nest 3, can automatically turn down the heat when you're out (or asleep), based on your programmed preferences, and crank it back up during prime home time. The app-synced thermostat can also send alerts when something is wrong with your heating system. Be sure to check with your energy provider — some, like Direct Energy, offer package deals that give customers new smarter thermostats for free. Switch and you could save up to 12% a year on your heating and up to 15% on cooling.

Courtesy of Nest

3. Beware phantom power.

Even when some electronics are turned off (like TVs, DVRs, and computers) they can still consume "phantom" energy if they're plugged into an outlet. This trickling of electricity can add up to $$$ per yearto your energy bills. Avoid it by unplugging your devices when you're not using them, or employ a power strip so you can cut the juice with a single flip of a switch.

4. Swap out dated light bulbs.

Replacing the bulbs in five of your most-used light fixtures with Energy Star-qualified lights can save you $$ each year in energy costs.

From: Good Housekeeping US


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