The Top 6 Holiday Food Commercials of All Time
Campbell's Soup
This commercial has been airing since I was the same age as that kid, and it still gets me every time. Grainy film be damned, this adorable commercial solidifies that there is nothing better than a warm bowl of soup after coming in from the cold outdoors.Coca-Cola
When a commercial inspires a complete line of stuffed animals and other decorations, you know it's an icon for a reason. The Coca-Cola polar bears are a staple of the season. Plus, you can learn a lot from this commercial: An ice cold Coke brought together the penguins and the polar bears, so maybe it can also get your relatives to stop arguing at holiday parties. It's definitely worth a shot.
He doesexist!Hershey's Kisses
This cute little jingle will inevitably get stuck in your head every time you hear it, but there are worse things than Christmas music constantly streaming through your brain, am I right? Plus, we can't get enough of the last little kiss swiping it's "brow" after his solo.
Folgers Coffee
We don't know who Peter is or where he's been, but we do know that we're so, so happy he's home for the holidays.Publix
From: Delish "There's nothing like being together at the holidays." ... We're not crying, you're crying.
By Shana Lynch
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