The 10 Most Affordable Places to Live in America

The cost of home ownership is hardly just the cost of the house itself. Life in even in a cheap place can add up to be quite the pretty penny when you take things like utilities and commuting costs into account. The experts at Trulia know this, and they analyzeds data on those two factors in conjunction with the average mortgage costs in Metro areas across the country. 

In some areas life is quite steep (sorry San Francisco) — take a look at a list of priciest locales here. But there are certainly many options for homebuyers with a more limited budget. Specifically, Ohio. 

According to Trulia, Ohio is the most affordable place to be. Five out of 10 of the cheapest cities (what Trulia calls "the bargain belt"), were in the Buckeye State.

Take a look for yourself:

Intrigued by the data? Trulia has lots more where that came from. Take a look at their full report to get an economist's viewpoint on how much it really costs to live near you.

[via The Huffington Post]

By Taylor Murphy


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