This New Travel Agency Will Send You on a Super-Cheap Mystery Trip
Bravo writer Kristyn Pomranz recently went on a three-day, $$$ vacation planned by domestic travel agency Pack Up + Go. It was great, she wrote. She'll totally do it again, she explained. She also didn't know where she was going until the day of the trip.
The so-called "surprise travel agency" explains how it all works on their site:
From: Cosmopolitan US
The so-called "surprise travel agency" explains how it all works on their site:
- You first answer a few questions about the kind of trip you want to take (including your budget-per-person, ideal date preferences, hobbies, etc.).
- The agency then books all your accommodations.
- A week before the trip, you get an email detailing the weather forecast of your mystery destination, as well as a packing list and a departure time and date.
- A few days before the trip, you get an envelope you're not supposed to open. It's filled with all the fun things you can do at said mystery location once you actually get there.
- You show up to your departure location and open the envelope.
If I were to do it again (and yes, I plan to, and no, this is not a paid advertisement), I would give zero specifications and preferences in order to jack up the mystery level. 'Cause no matter your ultimate locale, the best part is the element of surprise — not knowing where you're going, where you're staying, or what you're doing.Anyway, have a great trip!
From: Cosmopolitan US
By Tess Koman
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