10 Nifty Things You Didn't Know About Daisies
Their Name Means "Day's Eye"
Daisy comes from the Old English "daes eage," meaning "day's eye." The name refers to the way they close their petals in the evening, and open again at dawn, marking the beginning of a new day.
They Are Actually Two Flowers in One
The yellow center's florets and the petals are actually different blooms (though we don't think either would be as cheery without the other!)
They Have a Lovely Meaning
According to A Victorian Flower Dictionary (the Victorians loved their flower meanings), daisies signify innocence, and children of the era would make daisy chains to wear as May Day crowns.
They're Really Abundant
They may be small blooms, but they make up for their diminutive size in group volume. Daisies make up almost 10% of all flowering plants on the planet.
They're Cousins With the Sunflower
Daisies are a part of the sunflower family, and grow in very similar habitats as their big yellow relatives
They're Not Just White
Soft white petals are the most iconic daisy look, but they come in lots of other colors. Look for them in yellow, orange, red, rose, crimson and purple, too.
And the Colors Have Meanings
For example, purple represents dignity and success, while yellow is a symbol of friendship, blue means openness and peace, and white is associated with humility.
They Attract Bees With Their Shape
Unlike poor orchids, which basically need to trick bees into pollinating, these crucial insects just can't resist the look of a daisy.
They Can Survive Almost Anywhere
As tough as they are beautiful, daisies are in bloom most of the year and can adapt to almost any environment – they can even live high in the mountains.
They're Record Setters
The largest game of "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" was played by 331 people in Milan, Italy. Participants plucked daisy petals to determine if their secret crush loved them back.
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