8 Houseplants That Are Harder to Grow Than You Think

Don't blame yourself if you've had a few casualties over the years.

If not in bright, direct light, the leaves on this plant will appear solid, instead of showcasing the patterns that they're known for (bummer). However, if they get too much light, the leaves will fade. It's a fickle plant to say the least, and is equally frustrating when it comes to watering, temperature, you name it.

Just like a lady hates to sweat, this pretty plant really hates heat (a lot). Ideally, azaleas shouldn't be in a temperature above 65 degrees Fahrenheit — ever.

Calathea Ornata
This guy is known as a greenhouse plant for good reason: It's super sensitive to cold and temperature fluctuations and grows best in warm, humid, bright conditions — so finding the best spot for it in your home might pose a challenge.

If this trusty herb keeps dying before you get a chance to make your homemade caprese salad, it could be because of the location. These plants need at least six hours of direct sun each day (yep, even when it's overcast outside).

Elephant Ear
This leafy plant (that resembles an enormous elephant's ear, hence the name) requires constant watering from spring to autumn. Above, a wick watering system is being used (because it's seriously that thirsty).

Banana Plant
Humidity is everything for this tropical plant and should be at 50 percent or more as much as possible. Oh, and it needs 12 hours of direct sunlight, so this plant is definitely not for someone who lives in Seattle.

Autumn Fern
Since this is a woodland plant, the fragile leaves are intolerant of direct light and will die if exposed to too much sun. And the more sun it gets, the more water it needs (meaning you have to watch it closely).

Stromanthe 'Tricolor'
These colorful plants need higher humidity than average. It's also best suited for terrarium life, but living in the bathroom will have to do if you're growing it at home. But the biggest hassle of all is that you have to mist the leaves daily.

11 Fall Flowers You'll Love Just as Much as Mums

By Lauren Smith


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