This Brand New Luxury Bus Company Aspires to Be "The Ritz Carlton on Wheels"
Cabin A road trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco is just long enough (six hours without traffic — and you know there will be traffic) that you'd probably just consider flying. Until you think about all of the airport stress that comes with it. Checking bags, schlepping through security, cramped seats, and dry skin (or the awkwardness of face masking while surrounded by strangers): it all kind of detracts from the fun of traveling. Cabin, a brand new luxury sleeper bus that runs between L.A. and San Francisco, is the perfect alternative if you're so over the hassle of flying. With big aspirations to be "like the Ritz Carlton" on wheels, this overnight ride gives you a private sleeping cabin so you can travel comfortably without having to set foot in an airport. Cabin "I'm really excited about the fact that if you use the highway system and don't need tracks, we can build this premium, almost European travel experience in the United States with very...