Try This Genius Trick to Help You Pick a Paint Color

There's a lot of careful consideration that goes into choosing the right paint color for a space. Sometimes, uncertainty means you end up taking a risk — and the end result isn't always what you wanted. Next time, save yourself the headache of repainting by giving this trick (which we first spotted on A Beautiful Mess) a try:

First, take a picture of the space in question. Then, upload the image to Photoshop or another photo editor and sub in the different background colors you're considering. Then, place the images side-by-side to help you determine which looks best.

Yes, it does require some Photoshop 101 skills (watching this YouTube tutorial for a quick lesson), but once you've got the basics down, it's a handy party trick to have in your back pocket. The doctored photos offer a much more realistic idea of what your room will look like than several paint chips taped to the wall.

If Photoshop is a little too far out of your realm, try a decorating app for extra color guidance. 

From: ELLE Decor US

By Lindsey DeSimone


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