20 Fun Ideas for Your "Elf on the Shelf"

Lil Blue Boo
Your kids love "Elf on the Shelf," and you love that they love him. But around mid-December, when you're running out of clever spots to place him every day, it's a bit harder to feel all that love. Try these ideas when you get stumped:

1Hold a sack race.
Picklehead Soup
Will he avenge last year's loss against Spiderman?

2Get him into some mischief.
These scout elves are rolling right into the holidays! #ElfReturnWeek starts tomorrow!

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Toilet paper tubes are perfect for tumbling down staircases.

3Fake a snow scene.
Lil Blue Boo
Make snow angels out of rice — you can also use sugar or sprinkles for an easier clean-up.

4Play matchmaker.
Out for a late night stroll with his squeeze! #elfontheshelf #barbie

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Maybe he'll take Barbie to a drive-in movie (read: the living room.)

5Fill a "bubble bath."
Bombshell Bling
Oh, if only adults could relax in a marshmallow jacuzzi.

6Have him "help" with holiday tasks.
Is this a hint?...Turbo thinks greeting cards need to be mailed out! I love the excitement each morning the kids search for Turbo! #elfontheshelf #kidsloveit

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It's just the push you need to get those Christmas cards out on time.

7Allow him to sneak a peek at presents.
Snapshots of My Life
Fingers crossed he doesn't spill any secrets.

8Let him lead story time.
My Mommy Style
Even better: Get the whole toy box involved in this nightly ritual.

9 Host a marshmallow roast.
Tea lights quickly become campfires for Santa's petite helpers.

10Go fishing.
Rocking My 365 Project
Goldfish crackers are just too cute!

11Set a good example.
We found Bubbles in Jaycee's Restroom This Morning! #elfontheshelf

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There's no shame in cashing in on this elf's major influence.

12Kick-off your annual treat making.
Snapshots of My Life
Note to self: Plan this one for the weekend you've devoted to baking.

13Indulge his sweet tooth.
A Life Examined
Elves love things all things sugar, so he really couldn't help himself. We've all been there.

14Disguise him.
Frugal Coupon Living
Painting a camouflaged face and burying him in the branches of your tree will take hide-and-seek to the next level.

15Get him into some mischief.
It'll definitely be a suprise when they take a trip to the bathroom in the wee hours of the morning — and find this.

16Ambush him with LEGOs.
Living Locurto
Uh, oh — we bet he regrets not inviting the other toys out to play.

17Snap a picture of him.
Living Locurto
A mini photo booth with DIY props make the perfect set-up for a photo shoot.

18Watch his heart melt.
Facebook User Smarty the Elf
A melted Frosty lookalike will remind kids how much they should value their own friendships.

19Offer up a coloring book.
Crystal & Co.
Staying inside the lines is not required.

20Send him to bed.
Busy Kids, Happy Mom
Tissues make perfect fluffy elf-sized pillows. And let's face it, you could both use a nap!

From: Good Housekeeping US

By Lauren Piro and Taylor Murphy


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