One Lucky Lady's Husband and Son Built Her the Cutest "She Shed" Ever

Courtesy of Hometalk/Patty Smith
We're going to file this father-son duo under "world's best family." Why? Because the pair spent five weeks of the summer building a she shed from scratch for the lady of the house, Patricia Smith. The salt box-style garden shed (which we spotted on Hometalk) is located in their Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin backyard and cost about $,500 to make. And lucky for us, Smith captured the step-by-step process along the way so we can see how all their hard work came together.

First, they started by building the floor, which is 8-by-12 feet. Then the pair assembled the studs and walls. Here you can see them lifting up the last wall and securing it in place:

Courtesy of Hometalk/Patty Smith
But the rectangular trusses were perhaps the most impressive feat of the project, which they built by hand to provide support for the arched ceiling:

Courtesy of Hometalk/Patty Smith
After they completed the foundation, they added plywood walls, windows, and a shingle roof. Super adorable details like scalloped siding and barn doors add personality and country style to the exterior:

Courtesy of Hometalk/Patty Smith
Here's a peek inside what Smith calls her "little corner of the world":

Courtesy of Hometalk/Patty Smith
So how did Smith pitch in? She did all the landscaping outside of her gardening shed (how appropriate!). Take a look:

Courtesy of Hometalk/Patty Smith
[via Hometalk

By Lauren Smith


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