9 Small-Space Decorating Rules You Need to Break

We think this project by Los Angeles-based Taylor Jacobson proves that you can live large within size limitations. Here are the rules Jacobson "broke" and why you should follow suit.

Amy Bartlam
"Don't use dark colors."
When used properly, a deep hue can enhance architectural features. In this living room/library, a dramatic blue contrasts the red back panels of the built-in bookshelf. This rich juxtaposition gives the room dimension, creating depth that makes the room feel a little bigger — yet more intimate.

Amy Bartlam
"Shy away from patterns."
Many automatically dismiss patterned wallpaper for fear of overwhelming a room. Yet the allover pattern draws the eye up and around, adding interest that can distracts from the tiny space.

Amy Bartlam
"Use only small-scale furniture."
Tiny furniture throws off the proportion of a room (and can be a little uncomfortable). Instead of fitting in a lot of furniture, focus on a few full-size pieces.

Amy Bartlam
"You can't have a dining space."
We're not sure how dining rooms fell out of favor — they provide a place for conversation and entertaining, and can also function as a workspace. While you might not be able to fit in a table for 10, you can get a lot out of a smaller-sized table. Just keep the lines simple, tailored, and streamlined.

Amy Bartlam
"Get rid of everything."
Going minimal is fine if you're the hyper-organized type, but for the rest of us, things like books, objets d'art, and framed photos give a space soul. While you don't want to overwhelm every surface with everything you own, there's nothing wrong with displaying a selection of your favorites. Jacobson puts an emphasis on crafting vignettes, often using well-edited assortments of items to bring interest to shelves and corners.

Amy Bartlam
"Don't use heavy drapes."
A bare window does nothing to make a room feel bigger or more stylish. Tailored window treatments, if hung close to the ceiling (or molding, like in this living room), makes a window seem larger.

Amy Bartlam
"Don't buy anything that only serves one purpose."
Instead of asking every item in a space to go double-duty, Taylor chose a few distinctive pieces that suited this homeowner's lifestyle — like the bar table. As with accessories, accent furniture should be well-edited.

Amy Bartlam
"Don't mix patterns."
Like the fear of ornate wallpaper, the resistance to combining patterns for fear of overwhelming a space can be a strong habit to break. A good place to start thinking outside the solid box? The bedroom, where bedding offers an easy way to mix and match.

Amy Bartlam
"Stay away from wall coverings."
The phobia about wall coverings is especially pronounced when texture comes into the picture. In a tiny nook, the effect is cozy and chic instead of claustrophobic. Here, the grasscloth-like covering is another way Jacobson utilized contrast to highlight architectural features — in this case, the classic molding, the paneled bench seating, glamorous glass chandelier, and the crisp window shades.

The 7 Biggest Decor Mistakes That Drive Designers Crazy
From: ELLE Decor US

By Viyet.com


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