12 Stellar IKEA Hacks That Organize Your Entire Kitchen
If you think you don't have space for an island, spice rack, or extra chairs, you're wrong. Courtesy of IKEA Hackers Add Extra Drawers Sometimes shelves just don't cut it. Sure, they're great for storing tall appliances, but when it comes to clunky canned food, it's so much easier to pull your storage out. These IKEA-hacked drawers allow you to customize your pantry as you see fit. Courtesy of Tatertots & Jello Wrangle Under-the-Counter Space While these tin cans were originally created to hold spatulas and serving spoons, they work just as well for your not-so-cute under-the-sink tools, like dish scrubbers. Use adhesive tabs to hang them on the inside of your cabinet so they're easy to reach. Store Extra Pantry Items The RASKOG cart is handy in just about every room — and in the kitchen it's a convenient place to store overflowing pantry foods, like popcorn kernels and soda. Expecting company? Wheel it out of the room and into hiding with ease. C...