11 Big Mistakes You Make Washing Your Car
Getty Washing the car (and then tidying the interior!) is one of the bigger chores on your weekend to-do list. And if you're taking the time scrub down your vehicle, don't you want to make sure you're doing it correctly? Thought so. Which is why we asked our experts from the Good Housekeeping Institute about the common mistakes people make when they clean their ride: 1. You wash it in the hot sun. Just like sunlight helps you dry off your body after a dip into the ocean, it can also dry your just-rinsed car — but too quickly. This results in water spots, says Carolyn Forte, director of the Cleaning Lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute. Instead, try to do this chore in the morning or evening when the sun is less direct. 2. You use dish liquid on the exterior. Stop! Whatever you do, just stop. While dish detergent is handy in the kitchen, you shouldn't use it on your car. It's too harsh on the car's paint...