Why I Got Rid of My Kids' Toys
Getty I used to dread when it was time to clean the house with my kids at the end of a long day. Overwhelmed, my children would look at the toys scattered all across the floor, and they just refused to do it. Tantrums ensued. But we had a dilemma: The floors needed to be clean. For the sake of my sanity, I wanted the toys back where they belonged if only for a few hours every day, after the kids went to bed. And there was also a point to be made about teaching children to clean up after themselves. I refused to do it for them, and besides, as a mother who works from home, didn't I have enough to do? Mostly, though, my problem was that I am lazy when it comes to cleaning. I can work for hours and invest a lot of time in things that interest me. My brain is always a whirling with activity. But there is one thing I detest, and that is cleaning. As a mother, I spend a lot of time doing just that, and it feels like such a waste of time. Cleaning provokes a rage in me that I didn'...